December 28, 2012

I want to remember...

-that Gavin holds my hand. He holds it in the car (I reach back from the front seat), while sitting next to me on the couch, at the breakfast bar, anywhere. He reaches for my hand, he initiates the hand holding. He likes to intertwine his fingers in mine and I love it every time 

-that when I come through the door after being gone or being apart from him, he runs to me. Drops everything, hollers "MOMMY'S HERE!!!" at the top of his little boy lungs, and runs as fast as his legs can carry him to launch up into my arms. It won't be long before he's too big to swoop up so every time, literally every time, I see him do this, I stop and really pay attention. 

-that his favorite place to snuggle is smack dab between me and B. And that he usually maneuvers between us because he wants me to himself and away from his daddy. :) 

-that he sings. SINGS. He loves music and really has a knack for rhythm and can hear pitches and keys perfectly. 

-that his little blue elephant is still his best friend.

-that he looks like a doll baby sleeping in bed with the well-loved stuffed animals from my and Brent's childhood.

-that he laughs from deep within his belly. He laughs easily and often and it's a wonderful sound.
-that he has the most perfect skin in the world. Smooth, unblemished, and still as soft as when he was baby. 

I'm sentimental today. Actually, sentimental often lately. We're welcoming a new baby in July and while we are ecstatic about this, over the moon and overjoyed really, it means that Gavin is growing. And so very quickly. He'll be 5 in November and magically caught between being baby and being little boy with the baby in him moving past faster and faster every day it seems. It overwhelms me how much I love him and how much it almost makes me feel sad to see my baby grow. The funny emotional tensions that come with being a mommy, I guess...

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