January 6, 2012


Gavin started preschool this week. Whaaaat? I know!

The verdict is: he totally loves it! (Shocker, I know, but still!)

Funny story: for two months (at least) I have thought that Gavin started school on Thursday, January 5. I don't know how I got that specific day in my head, but I was convinced of it. Well, the night before the 3rd, while we had people at our house to watch the Super Bowl, it suddenly occurred to me that there was a small, tiny chance that Gavin could start school the next day (Tuesday) instead of Thursday. I got on the phone with the school's principal and just casually asked when the first day of spring term was - fully expecting her to say Thursday, just like I had always been planning.

Um, no.

She said school started the next day! She actually said, "School starts at 9, the doors open at 8:50. Will we see you there?" I cooly laughed (inside, though, I was dying...), said "Of course!", hung up and panicked. Just like that, the extra 48 hours I thought I had to plan outfits and shop for school supplies was just gone. To make it that much worse, we had people at our house and I couldn't fly out the door like I wanted to!

I restlessly sat through the last quarter and a half of the Duck game, cheered for their victory, bade my guests goodbye, grabbed my purse and supply list, booked it out the door, flew to two different stores, and feverishly snapped things up. Oh, and I might've called a girlfriend from college who currently teaches preschool to 'talk me off the ledge' (as I call it). I was already feeling major butterflies. =/

All of this to say, yes, come Tuesday morning, we had everything we needed, Gavin was woken up on time, and we sailed in to the school doors right at 8:50 AM.

(Ha - don't let the 'collected' tone of the last paragraph fool you, I was a wreck that morning. Ask B. I tried to internalize it as best as I could, but you can't blame a mama for being emotional! I will say, though, that one of my proudest moments of the day was that we made it without tears from anyone! Success!)

My boy is loving being in preschool. He's making friends and learning so much. I know it sounds so 'my kid is so awesome" to say this next thing - but, really, Brent and I already see differences in his speech, word usage, and sentence construction. He is happy and because of it, we are thrilled and feel so fortunate that he is in a school we all love so much!

Me and G - all smiles at drop off! :)