August 10, 2012


summer has certainly been far from expected, weather-wise, here in the pacific northwest, but despite gloomy mornings and cooler than desirable temperatures, we still find that the grey melts into warm afternoons and that the sun eventually stops pressing 'snooze' on its alarm clock to make an appearance for the rest of the afternoon and evening. 

i've been short on time for blogging and wish that i'd kept up with it these past months as we've done our best to fill the summer days with adventures - but alas. even the most well intentioned...

 going into summer, i was worried that gavin wouldn't enjoy his at all. that because brent and i are gone during the day, that he'd be short on activities and shorter still on time with us. God is faithful to hear our desire that we be home more than ever during this short season and our schedules have been allowed to adjust. this makes for late-start mornings, my slowly sipping coffee while G has breakfast, and when i'm not working from home, i AM home by 4 to make the most of the longer and warmer days. for some, this might be trivial, but for me, it's everything. God is good.

i had so much more to write, but brent literally just called from the living room, "hey, want to go to the scandinavian festival?" it's friday at 1:35 pm and he's home, too. i told you. we are home and free to do things like get up and go to scandi-fest. i am thankful. :)

more later. xo.

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